Sunday, May 04, 2008

Looks Like We're In For Nasty Weather

Okay. One word.


I'm not complaining about the weather, no no no, merely commenting on it, and that is what's happening at the moment.

Yesterday I had a visit from one of my Aunties, she's a well-to-do Aucklander with property on Waiheke Island and in Matakana. She's so funny though, she's very classy and upmarket but comes out with the funniest things. And she can also be counted on to bring a nice bottle of Rose to lunch, some hot ham and Gruyere cheese (which she left here- yuuuuum). It was awesome cos she is the first family member to have seen our house, not even mum has seen it all set up properly, however she will soon.

Because it is getting all Autumny the trees are looking like risque dancers, not many clothes on and the rest are flesh coloured (ie. the leaves are turning brown). Soon I will venture out into this land of joy and joyness, and climb the Hill of Prosperity (Mount Vic) and wrestle with the Winds of Seduction and Despair (the numbing Southerlies that come from the South Island who whisper enticingly in your ear "screw exercise, go home!! Go home to warmth!!"), they try to push me down but oh no, not this time sister. Nothing comes between me and Burning Excess Energy (except for maybe more energy in the form of a hot cup of something). And then..... I WILL do some Uni work. There's an update on that, by the way. I am becoming more and more gooder at actually knuckling down and doing it (mainly cos I look like a doofus in the tutes not knowing anything) however in the process I seem to have lost my sense of grammar, as I have started to say things like "gooder" and such like.

Well, I better go now while I'm on a high note. And now, to steal Christian's iPod, pull on some thermals, tie some laces and work those thighs. DAMN good intentions!!
<----This is me warming up, they say Wellington ages you but I don't believe them, look at my great figure.


Sally said...

Anna, I am so very glad you are back, but the colour of your font on that background is impossible to read unless I highlight it. And that is a BOTHER.

I shall make a point of checking this regularly now that I know you are updating. I, on the other hand, am not. That is unlikely to change at this point, because I am super duper lazy.

Anonymous said...

Slag Pheatures #2, I Love You.

Anna Apperley said...

Thankyou Phuckphace or Slag Pheatures #1, I luphph you too, but I can't tell which, because YOU DIDN'T LEAVE YORE NAME!! Lucky it is so hard to get into PP/SPU that there are only 2 members.
I'm sorry Sally, and yes I agree, I was gunna change it but meh. Okay I will now, sorry for hurting your eyes. Ha, if you read the word verification thingy on this comment it looks like "juicy ram". MMMM, juicy raaaaaam.

Anonymous said...

Twas I, Slag Pheatures #1.
Write another blog, because they phill me with happiness and joy