Friday, April 18, 2008

Aqualung My Friend, Don't You Start Away Uneasy

I'm doing this instead of an essay. WHY is it so hard to do things that we have to?? Makes no snese. Makes no sense, either.

Soon we will have visitors- Kim and Gareth are coming to stay!! Yippee and excitement!! Christian and me are practically bouncing around. Tehehe- sorry I was just picturing it. It was a gorgeous winter day before, sunny and warm yet crisp, my favourite. Mmmm, sounds like pie. But then old Mr. Cloud comes along with his grumblings and his rumblings and his backinmydays and ate the pie clean away and now he's fat and blocking the sky. HOW is my sunflower supposed to grow WITHOUT SUN?? Mr Nasty Old Cloud didn't think of THAT now did he!! It will be a Nasty Cloud Flower soon if somebody doesn't give someone else a good kick in the pants!! Goodness gracious.

We are going to Armegeddon this weekend- nerd fest!! It'll be fun, because of all the crazy people to make me feel better about myself. Spike Spencer will be there also, who voiced Shinji Ikari in the Evangelion Neon Genesis series. Christian practically swooned when I told him ole Spikey'd be there.

Enough, ENOUGH of this idle chatter!! Must dash, English isn't gunna analyse Le Morte D'Arthur for me, you know.

Until we meet again.

<-------- The Sun/Nasty Cloud Flower

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sitting on the Park Bench

Eyeing little girls with bad intent....

Autumn has definately arrived in Ye Capitale Citie, and I can strongly confirm that It Is Cold. In fact, I have one, generating many "Gesundheit!!"s from our resident German. I love being a student, mainly cos of the free stuff -THE DOCTOR IS LOW COST/FREE!! THE DOCTOR IS FREEEEEEEE!! (Run for your lives!! Sorry, couldn't resist :P)- and also cos practically EVERYONE is in the same boat as you. There's no "rich kids". Well there are, but for once the poor kids are the majority and it's the money-honeys who feel like fishes out of water (at least I hope they do... validate my theory, damn you....). The only down side is there are too many personalities. "Too many personalities!! What??" the entire nation cried (I like to flatter myself). Now those who know me will be slightly perplexed, those who know me better will know that WHILE I ABSOLUTELY REJOICE in this, it's also a lot of hard work mentally. Too much Adjusting To The Situation. I almost miss the days of the Cool Kids and the Outcasts. Pfffffftt, what am I SAYING?? No I don't!! What I miss is the knowledge that you only have to deal with what you know and if your brain feels sluggish it's okay, cos it was all there yesterday and will be so tomorrow. When there's many things and many people changing every day, however, it's all like, "oh em gee, I just can't take this any more, talk about a brain MELTDOWN." (um.... did anyone else read that in a gay man voice?? Cos I did, and I don't know why it came out like that). Not everyone here walks around saying that, don't worry, but you see it in their eyes. IN THEIR EYES. It's sad. We should all just go on a biiiiiiig holiday together, that'd change things.


You must look out for yoreself.