Sunday, July 06, 2008

Dear Diary

Aloha, fondue, and other exotic sounding words!!

Christian and I have safely made it back to Ye Olde Capitale Cytie. He is currently getting groceries because we arrived home to a lovely musty house and a lovely fridge full of condiments and leeks.
Mmmmm, appetising.

Firstly, I'm very sorry for letting down a certain person by not making it to see her, and I hope she understands that I truly was rather ill and that just cos I was visiting other people the night before doesn't mean we had a rolicking good time, in fact we watched a movie and all went to bed rather early. I hope she also knows that I have something in mind to make it up to her and that I, too, was very disappointed that we couldn't co-ordinate ourselves better. I sincerely deplore her to take this to heart because she knows full well I love her very much but if she doesn't want to speak to me any time this year I will understand.

Aside from that, we had such a good time!! Seeing people rules!! And, as always, I am grateful to Sally for being a semi-kindred spirit. It's nice to have a natter in a book shop amongst the book-smelling bookshelves discussing atrocious library practices while "sidling" all the while towards the delicious lemon sponge thingies, that were so conveniently placed at our end of the snack table. I am also grateful to my wonderful poppet Judy for, even though some might say it wasn't possible, bringing out my silly side even more than usual and turning everything I say into some sort of idiotic quote. I always know where I will be appreciated!! And that is at a Scrabble board with the two gorgeous Ingham sisters. Mwah.

Other activities included a sleepover with Sarah where we drank delicious apple wine and discovered how fun it is to play Pictionary in charades-type form while tipsy- good fun!! And eating naughty foods that will definitely not make us weigh 65 kg. And I woke up in the morning to my mum standing over me telling me that Judy's mum was in the Williamson's lounge with another man, all the while Sarah's mum saying to her "see I told you she was asleep". It was a very confusing time for me.

Well, I should sign out now, and do something productive. I have the BIGGEST day tomorrow, like ELEPHANT size. But not a baby one, a grand daddy one. With the long spikey tusks.

I will catch you all soon like this dreadful cough I can't get rid of.
