Why does this bruise, when I poke it, cause me pain??
I wanna know!! Have you ever seen the rain??
Oh Romeo, Romeo- What's in a name??
I find it sad. Subject, verb, object.
I've found lots of things sad recently- the drunk obese Maori woman at the bus stop with a dog collar round her neck and a giant safety pin through her ear, a friend of mine at Uni who hates Wellington purely because he hasn't seen the beauty of it yet, the fact that my dog is getting very old and I hardly get to see her anymore.
However, the sighs I sigh for these things are made with breath, and that is one thing I do not lament. I have breath in my body and blood in my veins. The Maori woman will sober up (hopefully...), Christie will get used to the city when I take him round to see things, and I will see Sally very soon when I go back up and I will cuddle and play with her.
Yay!! Back home soon, and I will be able to see many of you!! After planes taking off over our heads and rubbish trucks and car fumes, I can't WAIT to see green hills and hear the birds and smell the trees in the bush. I love it here but I think really there IS no place like home, so tap your heels twice Dorothy then you and Toto can be on your way. In my case, I will check in at the airport once then myself and Christian will be on our way.
It's very exciting.
PS. Screw Cup-A-Soup, I'm making my own and it's FULL OF DELICIOUSNESS. Even my mum said so.

I miss this view...

Oh ye hazy hills!!

Look, it's trees and hills AND Sally!!! (she's in front of the flax bush)