that was your moment for crude dirty jokes, moment over, moving on. She's so amazing and if she could talk I'm pretty sure she'd have a helluva lot to sa and we'd be BFFs.
I am currently under the impression that I may be slightly Achieving at Life. I am not so much Failing anymore, however I would not venture so far as to sa Winning. Of course, this could be one of those situations in which I have deluded myself into believing something which is not an actual truth through the little whisperers that whisper, then when they go for smoko the reality of It All comes crashing down around the ears they were trying to preserve and the eyes widen and the pupils dilate and I'm once agane all over the shop.
The point IS, most of the time I prefer being divorced from reality. The side effects include confusion, shock, and paranoia... but at least I can escape.

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