Monday, May 09, 2011

I'm Running Out of Time To Procrastinate

I have this horrendous love/hate battle with Time (a.k.a thyme, depending on whom I am speaking to). I LOVE time, but it HATES me. Time is not my friend, but I am Time's clinger-onerer. Sometimes I get rebellious and indignant and decide to show Time I don't NEED it, I can survive without it, and I'm going to WASTE Time to prove it.
That's when this kind of stuff happens.

You might be wondering what exactly is happening here. Well, I invented a new kind of tooth-floss technique. I called it The Weave. It takes three times as long as normal flossing and is half as effective. The look on my face you see there is not pain, not anger, but Determination. It takes a lot of it to achieve the length of the Weave I eventually did.
Sometimes it's hard being this awesome.

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