I was sitting on the bus the other day on the way to uni, when two Giggling Gurties got on. Apparently, they knew they had to get on the bus, they just didn't know where to get off. Or how to make the bus stop when they realised their stop was 2 kilometres ago. The bus was pretty full, so the poor lost souls had to sit in the seats that go backwards instead of facing forwards. Turns out this was not appropriate. Here are some snippets from their conversation:
"I hate sitting backwards!! OMG, I'm so hung over right now. I feel sick. This going backwards thing isn't healthy for a person"
(the bus rounds a corner)
"OMG, and now it's like...we're going SIDEWAYS!!!"
(pleased to see the alchohol didn't affect your brain then... :/)
"Oh no, I really don't like this..."
(a Kind Old Gentleman asks if they okay)
"yeah, it's just we're bus newbies!! this is why I have a CAR"
(The Kind Old Gentlemen explains to them gently and kindly the benefits of a bus, ie. you don't have to drive, pay for petrol and parking etc.)
"oh.... we really shouldn't have decided to do this when we were drunk"
(Yeah. Good call.)
I just thought I'd share that with you, cos funny things happen to me sometimes, and I wish you were there, then we could have laughed.They were just soooo helpless and pathetic but in a let's-all-point-and-laugh way rather than a-oh-you-poor-thing-let-me-help-you way. So I was laughing to myself.The Kind Old Gentleman was helping them and I have to say his patience was that of bear in winter, waiting for the bright rays of sunlight to melt through the thick layer of white fluffy stuff. So, good on him! All praise to Kind Old Gentlmen!! But the good thing about enjoying these two girls' tattlings was that I realised: I am no longer a Wellington Newbie.
And that makes me go like this: :D :D :D :D :D
In other news, it's exams soon. But I'm trying not to panic. Damn!! By saying panic that makes me think about panicking which makes Fear rise in my Chest!! DOWN boy. The good thing about exams and having to study for aforementioned exams NOW is that it is Winter, which means I'm not lured outside by the gentle breeze and friendly warmth, rather I run far as I can from a howling gale and the bitchin'freeze. The down side to this is that In Bed is the warmest place to be; I have nothing against lying in bed all day on a freezing rainy day, surrounded by books, but the thing is it lures you into a kind of dreamy hazy lazyness that can only be compared to when it's midafternoon in the summer holidays and you've just had lunch, feeling pleasantly full, and you just wanna find somewhere cosy and snore for a few hours, until 4 or 5 when it's cooled off a bit and you can go frolicking through the fields. Hands up who loves frolicking in fields!! ME PICK ME!! So you see, in everything there is a kind of irony. HOWEVER. In this particular case, I have established ways to overcome this. If you are much like me and can associate with what I am saying, then listen up, fool.
1) When you wake up in the moring, despite the fact that you fully intend to get back into bed after making a dash for the kitchen/bathroom/computer/textbooks, you should GET DRESSED as though preparing for a day full of activity. Don't be stupid and go and put makeup on or gel up your hair, cos honestly, use your brain and think about who the hell is gunna come pay a visit and care if you look your grandest while under a pile of blankets. Have a shower, if that's what you normally do, and if it isn't, then have one anyway. Showers, I have found through painstaking research, are Wet. Which a) wakes you up and refreshes you and b) requires a drying session afterwards, which constitutes activity. And we all know that physical activity is awesome when you're feeling groggy or slightly zombieish (and I'm the Queen of the Morning Zombies, so I should know) trust me, once the blood is flowing, you'll feel a lot better (a bit of morning hanky-panky with your loved one is good for this too). However, if you are like me and find that warm/hot showers make you feel sleepy, then don't panic. If that's the way it is then don't go straight back to bed, go and start some kind of morning acrtivity, which brings me onto....
2)Keep to your morning routine!! Don't think "I'm at home, I'm going back to bed, I can have breakfast in bed!!" cos this will only lure you into a state of relaxation, which leads to the deadly sin of Sloth. Or, as it is in the Student religion, Procrastination. DON'T DO IT. Have breakfast in the kitchen, with some coffee or tea or some kind of liquid, because you haven't drunk anything for many an hour (hopefully 8). And, boys and girls, HAVE BREAKFAST FULL STOP. Despite how much we all hate to admit it, our parents and grandparents do know a thing or two and breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Whether you serve it up Gary's way or your own, just have at least a nibble. Speaking of food, the girl next to me has a mushroom pasta and it smells DISGUSTING. Even if you don't have breakfast normally and you just run frantically out the door like me on disorganised days (ie. 4 out of 5 days a week) make an effort to do it this time, cos you're at home and have nowhere to be. What the hell is your excuse?? No food?? Okay, fair game, if you have no food then something tnat I enjoy is water. Not COLD water, don't look at me so horrifically. I like a good glass of hot water, especially in the mornings. And kids, I find it actually fills me up!! Of course not as long as food would, but at least there's something in there, right?? Plus you have the added bonus of being warm on the inside and also hydrated. Oh, safety note, DO NOT boil the jug and pour it into a glass. This may cause the glass to crack and being groggy in the morning you may be inclined to drink it, which can lead to a burnt tongue which is no fun at all and not a healthy way to start your day. Just run the hot tap until you can't put your fingers under it anymore, then blow on the surface and take LITTLE sips.
3)If you can and the room temperature allows, sit ON the bed rather than IN it. This means your body won't go into "snuggling into bed" mode. This is another reason why you should get dressed, because if you are wearing clothes instead of jamies or trackies then you are less inlcined to get so comfortable you drift off and lose focus. However, if your house is so fricking cold getting under the covers is the most sensible thing to do (like our house) then the whole "wearing clothes" thing will work even better. Nobody can consciously snuggle down in bed and go sleepies in their jeans unless you are a)me b) too drunk to care or c) sick and/or exhausted. Trust me on the wearing clothes thing, it makes a HUGE difference. It's a mind thing. If you are like me and often just spend the whole day at home in jim-jams or trackpants, you know that it's very easy to slip into Lazy Mode. Proper clothes (nothing drastic, just normal pants and a tshirt) and the action of getting dressed gets your mind into Doing Things Mode. Do try it!!
4) A general, common sense thing at study time is LOOK AFTER YOURSELF and by this I mean try not to get sick!! Dress warm when you're going outside. If you get wet, change into dry things asap. DRINK WATER. Eat plenty of fruit etc- did you know that fruit and veges are the only things that didn't increase in price as far as groceries go this year?? In fact, they went down about 3 percent. It's way cheaper to buy fruit and veges than pies and noodles. Say one pie=$2, at the moment you can get 2 KILOGRAMS of kiwifruit for that, that's a lot of yummy vitamins. Or that's a full head of brocolli if it's on special, with change for some carrots. Seriously boys and girls, if you can afford junky food you can afford fruit and veges, there are ALWAYS some on special, go for those. Having only a few dollars for a meal is no excuse for not eating or just getting a pie or packet or noodles, cos you can get a good meal of veges for that. They are easy to make and tasty. You will love yourself for it. You can even give yourself a hug if you want,which is good for the whole mental and emotional health thing, which is easy to lose in this stressful time. If you get a cold, PLEASE don't waste your money on those Lemsip things,I know they're tasty and have paracetamol, but so does a packet of Panadol (which you can get way cheaper if you just get Pam's paracetamol, Panadol is a BRAND, they are all exactly the same thing- 500mgs of paracetamol!! Be wise!!) Something that is AWESOME for colds and coughs is that good old fashioned lemon honey drink. Some people replace the honey with sugar: this is stupid, because the honey is half the medicine. Lemon honey drinks have: vitamin C mostly which is what you need for ills and chills, other vitamins in small quantities, and the honey is especially good on sore throats. Honey is an antiseptic which helps kill all the germs that are making your throat inflamed (if you have a really sore throat, something that is nice to do is get a teaspoon of honey and suck on it. Don't swallow it, just let it slowly melt down your throat. Bush or Manuka honeys have the most antiseptic properties however all honey is beneficial). The hot water is soothing (see above) and nice to your nose. How to make a tasty lemon and honey drink : squeeze one half of a lemon into a mug. Scoop out a teaspoon of honey and put it in the mug. Boil the jug while you are doing this and when it is bolied, pour hot water over the lemon and honey and fill the mug to the top. Make sure you stir the honey in with the teaspoon!! It melts in the hot water and has a deliciously syrupy effect.
Well now that I've blabbed on forever I should let you go and do everything I've told you to. Do it. Do it NAUGH!!
I find myself avoiding showers in the morning now because, lovely as it is being under the beautiful hot water, eventually you have to get out! AND THEN the water practically freezes on your skin and it's awfully difficult to resist bed. Lucky for me I have 8 o'clock starts so I never have time to even consider the shower dilemma.
Speaking of dilANNAs...I hear you were in Auckland recently, as in last weekend. Say WHAAAAT? Yes that's what I heard. If this is in fact the truth, I do not like this trend that is emerging. No I do not, not a bit, not even at all.
whoooo hasn't got out of her pyjamas for the last week? thats right - me! hmm. is it bad that i consider track pants Getting Dressed???
thanks for your amazing advice, it is amazing
slag pheatures x
surely, by not procrastinating i am procrastinating from procrastination, so by not procrastinating i begin to procrastinate!!! There's no escape!!!!
Professor, that was a very Professorly thing to say. But I think you are making excuses. Do not worry Slaggy, trackpants are fine. I wear pjs all day too... everything I wrote was straight from experience, that's why I appear so wise!! I like to share my mistakes with everyone.
Judy, you're just cute. Ouchies for 8 am starts :(
Unfortunately I have read this far too late. Exams have been over for days! And everything you said applies to me perfectly. I am in pyjamas right now! (Although I might be excused, because it's Saturday) Actually, I'm waiting for my clothes to get warm before I put them on, because they've been hanging outside for a couple of days now, and even though it's sunny (SUNNY!) it's still bloody cold. They're probably warm by now, I should get up and get something to eat. It's 1.30! ...I forgot where I was going with all of this. I'm sure I meant to say something clever and hilarious. You're right, breakfast is important. I should go have some.
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