Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's the lack (Medicated, Drama Queen, Picture Perfect, Numb Belligerence)

Did you know:

whenever I am bullied (alright alright, I mean "gently encouraged") into writing a new blog post I never have any clue what I am going to write about. I ususally just sit here staring at the white space, daunted and missing the inspiration that scampered off quick as a flash as soon as I got to the log-in page. There are many TRIVIAL things I could say, such as:

- the cicadas outside are slowly driving me insane

- the cows who have been weaned from their calves outside are slowly driving me insane

- my mother, bless her, is slowly driving me insane

- my room is slowly driving me insane

- my lack of music is slowly driving me insane

- my lack of talent is slowly driving me insane

- my lack of job and money shouldn't, but really is, slowly driving me insane

- my lack of direction, goals, purpose, drive, being a somebody, life are slowly driving me insane

- myself and everything to do with my life are slowly driving me insane

Kelly comes back tomorrow!!

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