I have recently discovered the name of this mysterious yet brilliant creator, and have added a little doohickey onto the side of my blog, up thereish-------------->
in order to give him the credit that has long been owed to him and which he deserves. So thankyou, Hugh Macleod- you Crazy, Deranged Fool- for unknowlingly helping me along my way in the crazy and mostly anonymous world of blogging and for your fantastic creations. Good luck to you and this post is my little conribution in exchange for you sharing all your brilliant work and thoughts with us.
And now I will unashamedly advertise on Hugh's behalf:
Right, now I'm off to find a thesaurus to look up synonyms for "brilliant" and "fantastic" because I don't particularly feel very intelligent using them over and over again, and it doesn't do the subject matter much justice by waffling on like a crazed fan with an addled brain (even if it's self-confessed Crazed Fan with Addled Brain).

Thank You Very Much Mr. Hugh Macleod
i like hugh macleod. he matches your quirky, a bit mad, often confused ramblings.
Oh Judy. Thank you for Getting It.
And yes, a new recruit.
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