I can't report on anything joyful right now, except that it's almost Christmas. I happen to like Christmas so to all those people who whinge that it's "too commercialised" and has "lost its meaning", I agree with you, but can you go stick it where the sun don't shine?? You're ruining it for those of us who choose to accept but ignore all that and can see through a Coke-coloured Santa to a good time once a year spent with family and friends where people are forced to care about each other. Surely you can give us that one teeny tiny day of goodwill, hmmm?? And go complain about the ads the other 364 days you get. Gorn, git. Git oudda town.
I'm actually not happy at this parTICular point in time, but that's okay, because it's my own fault, and in a kind of macarbre way I'm happy that I'm sad cos I have learned an extreme amount about extreme things. New things, shiny things, faded and dull things, old things that are shiny underneath, they're all floating around in the Pool of Surprising Things Life Throws At You like some kind of freakish debris that you DON'T wanna get out with that giant sieve thing that people clean pools with. So yes, it's a dirty pool, but an interesting and pretty much needed one.
I dunno what else to say on the subject, except Merry Christmas, please make sure you see past yourself and actually value the time you spend with your family and friends. It ain't hard, life is short, and you never know what it's gunna thow at you and who you're gunna lose for whatever reason.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!!
Hello and Good Morrow.
Once again people are jet-setting all over the show: I can count 3 people in 3 different countries on 3 of my fingers. Or toes, if I can be bothered pointing my leg skyward. Regardless of which extremities I use for maths equations (you should see me do Trigonometry, it's like watching a game of Twister for One), I am back here click-clacking away on my mother's frustratingly ergonomic but very strain-preventing keyboard. Judy, the young ratbag, has taken off to Austrahliah to do various Judyish things, to be honest I am not surprised, it happened just as fast as it did when she took off to Finininland, something I didn't realise was happening until we were at the airport and I was sitting on the ground bawling my eyes out with Kelly's mum patting me on the back going "it's not fair, is it??" after watching her own daughter disappear through the gate as well. That hungry, greedy gate which swallows all my friends. Well I tell you one thing, Smith, one day it will be ME who is swallowed. That's right, and YOU can sit on the ground and cry. Yeah. Damn Straight. If that's not a life goal I dunno what is.
We got a paddling pool the other day and I love it. I have been wanting a paddling pool for as long as about 3 years, then the other day Kim and Gareth were here and it was hot and sunny and we had just put up the Gazebo which I had found while looking for an umbrella, which Marcus was very Downy about, he seemed to think that putting up the gazebo would "take years, it's like a puzzle, it's too hard" and we got it up in about 10 minutes while he sat on the steps yelling out helpful suggestions such as the ones above. And I was thinking "wouldn't it be swell to have a bit of water to puddle around in" so we all got in the car and went to the Warewhare and got our pool (30% off, scooooooore!!), and when we got it home and filled it up, the sky had clouded over. Kim and I still sat in it though. We moved the gazebo over it and took off its legs, so made a kind of sun house with gazebo roof and pool walls and water floor, and it was AWESOME.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Pontoons and Puberty
Recently I have experienced many Changes. And no I'm not talking about an extremely late onset of puberty, I'm not going to ask why there is hair in places that there wasn't before, I mean Life Changes.
It's terrifying that things can change just like that without you wanting them to. I mean, it makes NO SENSE. It's your own life, right?? So how come things just... happen to you?? And what's even more stupid is that you can't change them back. If something is, then never again can it not be. That sentence made more sense to me than getting up in the morning does.
It's unfortunate, the way things work really, grammar and punctuation keep us in line but there is nothing to stop the onslaught in our brains from spilling out and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting members of the group known as Humanity. So I guess... that's why stuff happens and I have just answered my own question. There is nothing holding us back. And because we can't change what has already happened, we are constantly trying to move further and further on from that using different happenings as pontoons.
Connections made and others fade. Nothing is assumed or else be constantly disappointed!!
Huh. Good morning.
Special "Wave Hello" to Tomas... thanks for being my first unknown!! I hope I can continue to entertain you.
It's terrifying that things can change just like that without you wanting them to. I mean, it makes NO SENSE. It's your own life, right?? So how come things just... happen to you?? And what's even more stupid is that you can't change them back. If something is, then never again can it not be. That sentence made more sense to me than getting up in the morning does.
It's unfortunate, the way things work really, grammar and punctuation keep us in line but there is nothing to stop the onslaught in our brains from spilling out and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting members of the group known as Humanity. So I guess... that's why stuff happens and I have just answered my own question. There is nothing holding us back. And because we can't change what has already happened, we are constantly trying to move further and further on from that using different happenings as pontoons.
Connections made and others fade. Nothing is assumed or else be constantly disappointed!!
Huh. Good morning.
Special "Wave Hello" to Tomas... thanks for being my first unknown!! I hope I can continue to entertain you.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
R.I.P. The Sun/Nasty Cloud Flower
Well, it is with a heavy heart and flower pot that I must report on the passing of The Sun/Nasty Cloud Flower.
I never expected it to live to a very ripe age. In fact, the instructions on the seed packet said to plant in Spring-Summer... so I planted in Autumn-Winter. Just to see what would happen.
I was so happy when it developed a flower!! It was amazing to watch my little sproutling grow up and up and up....
Then one day, while pulling back the curtains (the pot was on the window sill) then unthinkable happened. I tugged too hard and the curtain snapped my little flower in half. I was so sad, I thought it was gunna die, and such a horrid way too. It was bent right in half. Then I noticed that the skin wasn't broken!! And I thought.... it could set itself right if I just got it standing back up again. So I sellotaped it, like a bandage, and it lived. I was so proud of my little flower... surviving in the face of adversity and menacing curtains.
Unfortunately, the age-old saying "if things get wet they will go mouldy" comes into effect at this stage of the story.
My little flower died of mould poisoning.
The position of our place means that we get no winter sun aside from about 2 inches on the same window sill my flower was sitting on, which is why it was there. But the sun is weak, and doesn't shine for very long- and my sunflower didn't get its name from Korea. It simply wasn't enough to dry out the condensation and moisture that built up on the window every day. Moisture that was passed onto my sun-loving bloom.
I would trim the leaves when I noticed they looked mould-tinged, but my efforts were in vain. Finally, one day, I looked at my flower and saw that the deadly fungus had reached the petals themselves.
My flower lead a happy life, despite being slowly killed from the outside by fungus spores and forced to live in conditions it just wasn't made for. I am proud that it grew at all, and then lived for as long as it did. The short amount of time that it took for death to come to my flower means nothing- rather, the fact that it lived at all remains a testament to not only myself but to anyone anywhere wanting to do anything in the face of logical, factual, and rational opposition.
I grew a sunflower in Winter. And it lived.
In honour of my flower, I have developed a short photo montage:
A Life Well Lived:
My Little Sproutling- full of Youth and Exuberance

The Golden Years. The Flower that Saw The Sun.

Rest In Peace.
(I find it ironic that the window looks like it is crying here- it was that same window and the moisture on it that killed the poor little flower. Too little too late!!)
I never expected it to live to a very ripe age. In fact, the instructions on the seed packet said to plant in Spring-Summer... so I planted in Autumn-Winter. Just to see what would happen.
I was so happy when it developed a flower!! It was amazing to watch my little sproutling grow up and up and up....
Then one day, while pulling back the curtains (the pot was on the window sill) then unthinkable happened. I tugged too hard and the curtain snapped my little flower in half. I was so sad, I thought it was gunna die, and such a horrid way too. It was bent right in half. Then I noticed that the skin wasn't broken!! And I thought.... it could set itself right if I just got it standing back up again. So I sellotaped it, like a bandage, and it lived. I was so proud of my little flower... surviving in the face of adversity and menacing curtains.
Unfortunately, the age-old saying "if things get wet they will go mouldy" comes into effect at this stage of the story.
My little flower died of mould poisoning.
The position of our place means that we get no winter sun aside from about 2 inches on the same window sill my flower was sitting on, which is why it was there. But the sun is weak, and doesn't shine for very long- and my sunflower didn't get its name from Korea. It simply wasn't enough to dry out the condensation and moisture that built up on the window every day. Moisture that was passed onto my sun-loving bloom.
I would trim the leaves when I noticed they looked mould-tinged, but my efforts were in vain. Finally, one day, I looked at my flower and saw that the deadly fungus had reached the petals themselves.
My flower lead a happy life, despite being slowly killed from the outside by fungus spores and forced to live in conditions it just wasn't made for. I am proud that it grew at all, and then lived for as long as it did. The short amount of time that it took for death to come to my flower means nothing- rather, the fact that it lived at all remains a testament to not only myself but to anyone anywhere wanting to do anything in the face of logical, factual, and rational opposition.
I grew a sunflower in Winter. And it lived.
In honour of my flower, I have developed a short photo montage:
A Life Well Lived:
My Little Sproutling- full of Youth and Exuberance

The Golden Years. The Flower that Saw The Sun.

Rest In Peace.
(I find it ironic that the window looks like it is crying here- it was that same window and the moisture on it that killed the poor little flower. Too little too late!!)

Sunday, July 06, 2008
Dear Diary
Aloha, fondue, and other exotic sounding words!!
Christian and I have safely made it back to Ye Olde Capitale Cytie. He is currently getting groceries because we arrived home to a lovely musty house and a lovely fridge full of condiments and leeks.
Mmmmm, appetising.
Firstly, I'm very sorry for letting down a certain person by not making it to see her, and I hope she understands that I truly was rather ill and that just cos I was visiting other people the night before doesn't mean we had a rolicking good time, in fact we watched a movie and all went to bed rather early. I hope she also knows that I have something in mind to make it up to her and that I, too, was very disappointed that we couldn't co-ordinate ourselves better. I sincerely deplore her to take this to heart because she knows full well I love her very much but if she doesn't want to speak to me any time this year I will understand.
Aside from that, we had such a good time!! Seeing people rules!! And, as always, I am grateful to Sally for being a semi-kindred spirit. It's nice to have a natter in a book shop amongst the book-smelling bookshelves discussing atrocious library practices while "sidling" all the while towards the delicious lemon sponge thingies, that were so conveniently placed at our end of the snack table. I am also grateful to my wonderful poppet Judy for, even though some might say it wasn't possible, bringing out my silly side even more than usual and turning everything I say into some sort of idiotic quote. I always know where I will be appreciated!! And that is at a Scrabble board with the two gorgeous Ingham sisters. Mwah.
Other activities included a sleepover with Sarah where we drank delicious apple wine and discovered how fun it is to play Pictionary in charades-type form while tipsy- good fun!! And eating naughty foods that will definitely not make us weigh 65 kg. And I woke up in the morning to my mum standing over me telling me that Judy's mum was in the Williamson's lounge with another man, all the while Sarah's mum saying to her "see I told you she was asleep". It was a very confusing time for me.
Well, I should sign out now, and do something productive. I have the BIGGEST day tomorrow, like ELEPHANT size. But not a baby one, a grand daddy one. With the long spikey tusks.
I will catch you all soon like this dreadful cough I can't get rid of.
Christian and I have safely made it back to Ye Olde Capitale Cytie. He is currently getting groceries because we arrived home to a lovely musty house and a lovely fridge full of condiments and leeks.
Mmmmm, appetising.
Firstly, I'm very sorry for letting down a certain person by not making it to see her, and I hope she understands that I truly was rather ill and that just cos I was visiting other people the night before doesn't mean we had a rolicking good time, in fact we watched a movie and all went to bed rather early. I hope she also knows that I have something in mind to make it up to her and that I, too, was very disappointed that we couldn't co-ordinate ourselves better. I sincerely deplore her to take this to heart because she knows full well I love her very much but if she doesn't want to speak to me any time this year I will understand.
Aside from that, we had such a good time!! Seeing people rules!! And, as always, I am grateful to Sally for being a semi-kindred spirit. It's nice to have a natter in a book shop amongst the book-smelling bookshelves discussing atrocious library practices while "sidling" all the while towards the delicious lemon sponge thingies, that were so conveniently placed at our end of the snack table. I am also grateful to my wonderful poppet Judy for, even though some might say it wasn't possible, bringing out my silly side even more than usual and turning everything I say into some sort of idiotic quote. I always know where I will be appreciated!! And that is at a Scrabble board with the two gorgeous Ingham sisters. Mwah.
Other activities included a sleepover with Sarah where we drank delicious apple wine and discovered how fun it is to play Pictionary in charades-type form while tipsy- good fun!! And eating naughty foods that will definitely not make us weigh 65 kg. And I woke up in the morning to my mum standing over me telling me that Judy's mum was in the Williamson's lounge with another man, all the while Sarah's mum saying to her "see I told you she was asleep". It was a very confusing time for me.
Well, I should sign out now, and do something productive. I have the BIGGEST day tomorrow, like ELEPHANT size. But not a baby one, a grand daddy one. With the long spikey tusks.
I will catch you all soon like this dreadful cough I can't get rid of.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Yes, Mum
I was sitting on the bus the other day on the way to uni, when two Giggling Gurties got on. Apparently, they knew they had to get on the bus, they just didn't know where to get off. Or how to make the bus stop when they realised their stop was 2 kilometres ago. The bus was pretty full, so the poor lost souls had to sit in the seats that go backwards instead of facing forwards. Turns out this was not appropriate. Here are some snippets from their conversation:
"I hate sitting backwards!! OMG, I'm so hung over right now. I feel sick. This going backwards thing isn't healthy for a person"
(the bus rounds a corner)
"OMG, and now it's like...we're going SIDEWAYS!!!"
(pleased to see the alchohol didn't affect your brain then... :/)
"Oh no, I really don't like this..."
(a Kind Old Gentleman asks if they okay)
"yeah, it's just we're bus newbies!! this is why I have a CAR"
(The Kind Old Gentlemen explains to them gently and kindly the benefits of a bus, ie. you don't have to drive, pay for petrol and parking etc.)
"oh.... we really shouldn't have decided to do this when we were drunk"
(Yeah. Good call.)
I just thought I'd share that with you, cos funny things happen to me sometimes, and I wish you were there, then we could have laughed.They were just soooo helpless and pathetic but in a let's-all-point-and-laugh way rather than a-oh-you-poor-thing-let-me-help-you way. So I was laughing to myself.The Kind Old Gentleman was helping them and I have to say his patience was that of bear in winter, waiting for the bright rays of sunlight to melt through the thick layer of white fluffy stuff. So, good on him! All praise to Kind Old Gentlmen!! But the good thing about enjoying these two girls' tattlings was that I realised: I am no longer a Wellington Newbie.
And that makes me go like this: :D :D :D :D :D
In other news, it's exams soon. But I'm trying not to panic. Damn!! By saying panic that makes me think about panicking which makes Fear rise in my Chest!! DOWN boy. The good thing about exams and having to study for aforementioned exams NOW is that it is Winter, which means I'm not lured outside by the gentle breeze and friendly warmth, rather I run far as I can from a howling gale and the bitchin'freeze. The down side to this is that In Bed is the warmest place to be; I have nothing against lying in bed all day on a freezing rainy day, surrounded by books, but the thing is it lures you into a kind of dreamy hazy lazyness that can only be compared to when it's midafternoon in the summer holidays and you've just had lunch, feeling pleasantly full, and you just wanna find somewhere cosy and snore for a few hours, until 4 or 5 when it's cooled off a bit and you can go frolicking through the fields. Hands up who loves frolicking in fields!! ME PICK ME!! So you see, in everything there is a kind of irony. HOWEVER. In this particular case, I have established ways to overcome this. If you are much like me and can associate with what I am saying, then listen up, fool.
1) When you wake up in the moring, despite the fact that you fully intend to get back into bed after making a dash for the kitchen/bathroom/computer/textbooks, you should GET DRESSED as though preparing for a day full of activity. Don't be stupid and go and put makeup on or gel up your hair, cos honestly, use your brain and think about who the hell is gunna come pay a visit and care if you look your grandest while under a pile of blankets. Have a shower, if that's what you normally do, and if it isn't, then have one anyway. Showers, I have found through painstaking research, are Wet. Which a) wakes you up and refreshes you and b) requires a drying session afterwards, which constitutes activity. And we all know that physical activity is awesome when you're feeling groggy or slightly zombieish (and I'm the Queen of the Morning Zombies, so I should know) trust me, once the blood is flowing, you'll feel a lot better (a bit of morning hanky-panky with your loved one is good for this too). However, if you are like me and find that warm/hot showers make you feel sleepy, then don't panic. If that's the way it is then don't go straight back to bed, go and start some kind of morning acrtivity, which brings me onto....
2)Keep to your morning routine!! Don't think "I'm at home, I'm going back to bed, I can have breakfast in bed!!" cos this will only lure you into a state of relaxation, which leads to the deadly sin of Sloth. Or, as it is in the Student religion, Procrastination. DON'T DO IT. Have breakfast in the kitchen, with some coffee or tea or some kind of liquid, because you haven't drunk anything for many an hour (hopefully 8). And, boys and girls, HAVE BREAKFAST FULL STOP. Despite how much we all hate to admit it, our parents and grandparents do know a thing or two and breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Whether you serve it up Gary's way or your own, just have at least a nibble. Speaking of food, the girl next to me has a mushroom pasta and it smells DISGUSTING. Even if you don't have breakfast normally and you just run frantically out the door like me on disorganised days (ie. 4 out of 5 days a week) make an effort to do it this time, cos you're at home and have nowhere to be. What the hell is your excuse?? No food?? Okay, fair game, if you have no food then something tnat I enjoy is water. Not COLD water, don't look at me so horrifically. I like a good glass of hot water, especially in the mornings. And kids, I find it actually fills me up!! Of course not as long as food would, but at least there's something in there, right?? Plus you have the added bonus of being warm on the inside and also hydrated. Oh, safety note, DO NOT boil the jug and pour it into a glass. This may cause the glass to crack and being groggy in the morning you may be inclined to drink it, which can lead to a burnt tongue which is no fun at all and not a healthy way to start your day. Just run the hot tap until you can't put your fingers under it anymore, then blow on the surface and take LITTLE sips.
3)If you can and the room temperature allows, sit ON the bed rather than IN it. This means your body won't go into "snuggling into bed" mode. This is another reason why you should get dressed, because if you are wearing clothes instead of jamies or trackies then you are less inlcined to get so comfortable you drift off and lose focus. However, if your house is so fricking cold getting under the covers is the most sensible thing to do (like our house) then the whole "wearing clothes" thing will work even better. Nobody can consciously snuggle down in bed and go sleepies in their jeans unless you are a)me b) too drunk to care or c) sick and/or exhausted. Trust me on the wearing clothes thing, it makes a HUGE difference. It's a mind thing. If you are like me and often just spend the whole day at home in jim-jams or trackpants, you know that it's very easy to slip into Lazy Mode. Proper clothes (nothing drastic, just normal pants and a tshirt) and the action of getting dressed gets your mind into Doing Things Mode. Do try it!!
4) A general, common sense thing at study time is LOOK AFTER YOURSELF and by this I mean try not to get sick!! Dress warm when you're going outside. If you get wet, change into dry things asap. DRINK WATER. Eat plenty of fruit etc- did you know that fruit and veges are the only things that didn't increase in price as far as groceries go this year?? In fact, they went down about 3 percent. It's way cheaper to buy fruit and veges than pies and noodles. Say one pie=$2, at the moment you can get 2 KILOGRAMS of kiwifruit for that, that's a lot of yummy vitamins. Or that's a full head of brocolli if it's on special, with change for some carrots. Seriously boys and girls, if you can afford junky food you can afford fruit and veges, there are ALWAYS some on special, go for those. Having only a few dollars for a meal is no excuse for not eating or just getting a pie or packet or noodles, cos you can get a good meal of veges for that. They are easy to make and tasty. You will love yourself for it. You can even give yourself a hug if you want,which is good for the whole mental and emotional health thing, which is easy to lose in this stressful time. If you get a cold, PLEASE don't waste your money on those Lemsip things,I know they're tasty and have paracetamol, but so does a packet of Panadol (which you can get way cheaper if you just get Pam's paracetamol, Panadol is a BRAND, they are all exactly the same thing- 500mgs of paracetamol!! Be wise!!) Something that is AWESOME for colds and coughs is that good old fashioned lemon honey drink. Some people replace the honey with sugar: this is stupid, because the honey is half the medicine. Lemon honey drinks have: vitamin C mostly which is what you need for ills and chills, other vitamins in small quantities, and the honey is especially good on sore throats. Honey is an antiseptic which helps kill all the germs that are making your throat inflamed (if you have a really sore throat, something that is nice to do is get a teaspoon of honey and suck on it. Don't swallow it, just let it slowly melt down your throat. Bush or Manuka honeys have the most antiseptic properties however all honey is beneficial). The hot water is soothing (see above) and nice to your nose. How to make a tasty lemon and honey drink : squeeze one half of a lemon into a mug. Scoop out a teaspoon of honey and put it in the mug. Boil the jug while you are doing this and when it is bolied, pour hot water over the lemon and honey and fill the mug to the top. Make sure you stir the honey in with the teaspoon!! It melts in the hot water and has a deliciously syrupy effect.
Well now that I've blabbed on forever I should let you go and do everything I've told you to. Do it. Do it NAUGH!!
"I hate sitting backwards!! OMG, I'm so hung over right now. I feel sick. This going backwards thing isn't healthy for a person"
(the bus rounds a corner)
"OMG, and now it's like...we're going SIDEWAYS!!!"
(pleased to see the alchohol didn't affect your brain then... :/)
"Oh no, I really don't like this..."
(a Kind Old Gentleman asks if they okay)
"yeah, it's just we're bus newbies!! this is why I have a CAR"
(The Kind Old Gentlemen explains to them gently and kindly the benefits of a bus, ie. you don't have to drive, pay for petrol and parking etc.)
"oh.... we really shouldn't have decided to do this when we were drunk"
(Yeah. Good call.)
I just thought I'd share that with you, cos funny things happen to me sometimes, and I wish you were there, then we could have laughed.They were just soooo helpless and pathetic but in a let's-all-point-and-laugh way rather than a-oh-you-poor-thing-let-me-help-you way. So I was laughing to myself.The Kind Old Gentleman was helping them and I have to say his patience was that of bear in winter, waiting for the bright rays of sunlight to melt through the thick layer of white fluffy stuff. So, good on him! All praise to Kind Old Gentlmen!! But the good thing about enjoying these two girls' tattlings was that I realised: I am no longer a Wellington Newbie.
And that makes me go like this: :D :D :D :D :D
In other news, it's exams soon. But I'm trying not to panic. Damn!! By saying panic that makes me think about panicking which makes Fear rise in my Chest!! DOWN boy. The good thing about exams and having to study for aforementioned exams NOW is that it is Winter, which means I'm not lured outside by the gentle breeze and friendly warmth, rather I run far as I can from a howling gale and the bitchin'freeze. The down side to this is that In Bed is the warmest place to be; I have nothing against lying in bed all day on a freezing rainy day, surrounded by books, but the thing is it lures you into a kind of dreamy hazy lazyness that can only be compared to when it's midafternoon in the summer holidays and you've just had lunch, feeling pleasantly full, and you just wanna find somewhere cosy and snore for a few hours, until 4 or 5 when it's cooled off a bit and you can go frolicking through the fields. Hands up who loves frolicking in fields!! ME PICK ME!! So you see, in everything there is a kind of irony. HOWEVER. In this particular case, I have established ways to overcome this. If you are much like me and can associate with what I am saying, then listen up, fool.
1) When you wake up in the moring, despite the fact that you fully intend to get back into bed after making a dash for the kitchen/bathroom/computer/textbooks, you should GET DRESSED as though preparing for a day full of activity. Don't be stupid and go and put makeup on or gel up your hair, cos honestly, use your brain and think about who the hell is gunna come pay a visit and care if you look your grandest while under a pile of blankets. Have a shower, if that's what you normally do, and if it isn't, then have one anyway. Showers, I have found through painstaking research, are Wet. Which a) wakes you up and refreshes you and b) requires a drying session afterwards, which constitutes activity. And we all know that physical activity is awesome when you're feeling groggy or slightly zombieish (and I'm the Queen of the Morning Zombies, so I should know) trust me, once the blood is flowing, you'll feel a lot better (a bit of morning hanky-panky with your loved one is good for this too). However, if you are like me and find that warm/hot showers make you feel sleepy, then don't panic. If that's the way it is then don't go straight back to bed, go and start some kind of morning acrtivity, which brings me onto....
2)Keep to your morning routine!! Don't think "I'm at home, I'm going back to bed, I can have breakfast in bed!!" cos this will only lure you into a state of relaxation, which leads to the deadly sin of Sloth. Or, as it is in the Student religion, Procrastination. DON'T DO IT. Have breakfast in the kitchen, with some coffee or tea or some kind of liquid, because you haven't drunk anything for many an hour (hopefully 8). And, boys and girls, HAVE BREAKFAST FULL STOP. Despite how much we all hate to admit it, our parents and grandparents do know a thing or two and breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Whether you serve it up Gary's way or your own, just have at least a nibble. Speaking of food, the girl next to me has a mushroom pasta and it smells DISGUSTING. Even if you don't have breakfast normally and you just run frantically out the door like me on disorganised days (ie. 4 out of 5 days a week) make an effort to do it this time, cos you're at home and have nowhere to be. What the hell is your excuse?? No food?? Okay, fair game, if you have no food then something tnat I enjoy is water. Not COLD water, don't look at me so horrifically. I like a good glass of hot water, especially in the mornings. And kids, I find it actually fills me up!! Of course not as long as food would, but at least there's something in there, right?? Plus you have the added bonus of being warm on the inside and also hydrated. Oh, safety note, DO NOT boil the jug and pour it into a glass. This may cause the glass to crack and being groggy in the morning you may be inclined to drink it, which can lead to a burnt tongue which is no fun at all and not a healthy way to start your day. Just run the hot tap until you can't put your fingers under it anymore, then blow on the surface and take LITTLE sips.
3)If you can and the room temperature allows, sit ON the bed rather than IN it. This means your body won't go into "snuggling into bed" mode. This is another reason why you should get dressed, because if you are wearing clothes instead of jamies or trackies then you are less inlcined to get so comfortable you drift off and lose focus. However, if your house is so fricking cold getting under the covers is the most sensible thing to do (like our house) then the whole "wearing clothes" thing will work even better. Nobody can consciously snuggle down in bed and go sleepies in their jeans unless you are a)me b) too drunk to care or c) sick and/or exhausted. Trust me on the wearing clothes thing, it makes a HUGE difference. It's a mind thing. If you are like me and often just spend the whole day at home in jim-jams or trackpants, you know that it's very easy to slip into Lazy Mode. Proper clothes (nothing drastic, just normal pants and a tshirt) and the action of getting dressed gets your mind into Doing Things Mode. Do try it!!
4) A general, common sense thing at study time is LOOK AFTER YOURSELF and by this I mean try not to get sick!! Dress warm when you're going outside. If you get wet, change into dry things asap. DRINK WATER. Eat plenty of fruit etc- did you know that fruit and veges are the only things that didn't increase in price as far as groceries go this year?? In fact, they went down about 3 percent. It's way cheaper to buy fruit and veges than pies and noodles. Say one pie=$2, at the moment you can get 2 KILOGRAMS of kiwifruit for that, that's a lot of yummy vitamins. Or that's a full head of brocolli if it's on special, with change for some carrots. Seriously boys and girls, if you can afford junky food you can afford fruit and veges, there are ALWAYS some on special, go for those. Having only a few dollars for a meal is no excuse for not eating or just getting a pie or packet or noodles, cos you can get a good meal of veges for that. They are easy to make and tasty. You will love yourself for it. You can even give yourself a hug if you want,which is good for the whole mental and emotional health thing, which is easy to lose in this stressful time. If you get a cold, PLEASE don't waste your money on those Lemsip things,I know they're tasty and have paracetamol, but so does a packet of Panadol (which you can get way cheaper if you just get Pam's paracetamol, Panadol is a BRAND, they are all exactly the same thing- 500mgs of paracetamol!! Be wise!!) Something that is AWESOME for colds and coughs is that good old fashioned lemon honey drink. Some people replace the honey with sugar: this is stupid, because the honey is half the medicine. Lemon honey drinks have: vitamin C mostly which is what you need for ills and chills, other vitamins in small quantities, and the honey is especially good on sore throats. Honey is an antiseptic which helps kill all the germs that are making your throat inflamed (if you have a really sore throat, something that is nice to do is get a teaspoon of honey and suck on it. Don't swallow it, just let it slowly melt down your throat. Bush or Manuka honeys have the most antiseptic properties however all honey is beneficial). The hot water is soothing (see above) and nice to your nose. How to make a tasty lemon and honey drink : squeeze one half of a lemon into a mug. Scoop out a teaspoon of honey and put it in the mug. Boil the jug while you are doing this and when it is bolied, pour hot water over the lemon and honey and fill the mug to the top. Make sure you stir the honey in with the teaspoon!! It melts in the hot water and has a deliciously syrupy effect.
Well now that I've blabbed on forever I should let you go and do everything I've told you to. Do it. Do it NAUGH!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A Lament
Why do all Cup-A-Soups taste the same??
Why does this bruise, when I poke it, cause me pain??
I wanna know!! Have you ever seen the rain??
Oh Romeo, Romeo- What's in a name??
I find it sad. Subject, verb, object.
I've found lots of things sad recently- the drunk obese Maori woman at the bus stop with a dog collar round her neck and a giant safety pin through her ear, a friend of mine at Uni who hates Wellington purely because he hasn't seen the beauty of it yet, the fact that my dog is getting very old and I hardly get to see her anymore.
However, the sighs I sigh for these things are made with breath, and that is one thing I do not lament. I have breath in my body and blood in my veins. The Maori woman will sober up (hopefully...), Christie will get used to the city when I take him round to see things, and I will see Sally very soon when I go back up and I will cuddle and play with her.
Yay!! Back home soon, and I will be able to see many of you!! After planes taking off over our heads and rubbish trucks and car fumes, I can't WAIT to see green hills and hear the birds and smell the trees in the bush. I love it here but I think really there IS no place like home, so tap your heels twice Dorothy then you and Toto can be on your way. In my case, I will check in at the airport once then myself and Christian will be on our way.
It's very exciting.
PS. Screw Cup-A-Soup, I'm making my own and it's FULL OF DELICIOUSNESS. Even my mum said so.

I miss this view...

Oh ye hazy hills!!

Look, it's trees and hills AND Sally!!! (she's in front of the flax bush)
Why does this bruise, when I poke it, cause me pain??
I wanna know!! Have you ever seen the rain??
Oh Romeo, Romeo- What's in a name??
I find it sad. Subject, verb, object.
I've found lots of things sad recently- the drunk obese Maori woman at the bus stop with a dog collar round her neck and a giant safety pin through her ear, a friend of mine at Uni who hates Wellington purely because he hasn't seen the beauty of it yet, the fact that my dog is getting very old and I hardly get to see her anymore.
However, the sighs I sigh for these things are made with breath, and that is one thing I do not lament. I have breath in my body and blood in my veins. The Maori woman will sober up (hopefully...), Christie will get used to the city when I take him round to see things, and I will see Sally very soon when I go back up and I will cuddle and play with her.
Yay!! Back home soon, and I will be able to see many of you!! After planes taking off over our heads and rubbish trucks and car fumes, I can't WAIT to see green hills and hear the birds and smell the trees in the bush. I love it here but I think really there IS no place like home, so tap your heels twice Dorothy then you and Toto can be on your way. In my case, I will check in at the airport once then myself and Christian will be on our way.
It's very exciting.
PS. Screw Cup-A-Soup, I'm making my own and it's FULL OF DELICIOUSNESS. Even my mum said so.

I miss this view...

Oh ye hazy hills!!

Look, it's trees and hills AND Sally!!! (she's in front of the flax bush)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Dilly-Dally, Shilly-Shally
My English tutor is hilarious.
He's a very... uh... confident man, but he's one of those people that have their opinions and press them on others not to be arrogant or show off, but in the intent of opening their eyes to more possiblities. I guess that's why I like him so much, because he's a lot like Mrs. Hutton. I detest the way he swans around (I'm sorry, that was unfair, he doesn't swan. He strides with an air of confidence. But I still detest it.) and I hate the way his eyes bore into you when you're saying something, just waiting for you to trail off under his intense gaze that says "I'm drinking in everything you say and I'm gunna attack it as soon as soon as you're finished so if I were you I'd stop talking and giving me more ammunition". I hate the way he is so sarcastic but in such a subtle way that only the perceptive people in the tute pick up on it, and the others just think they really ARE right. I hate how talented and skilled he is and how much he knows.
But because of all this, I find him irresistably compelling, he has a sort of invisible pull that overwhelms my best senses and makes me express my opinions and say stuff out loud without thinking of the consequences. Oh Buddha. Like Mrs Hutton, it's the kind of deal that if you say something, you will either be shot down and squashed or lifted up to high heaven. Kinda like the risk of jumping across a ravine full of carnivorous giant spiders to get to a magical land of chocolate- the outcome depends on the strength of the jump. In all seriousness, I get the jitters just waiting for the tute to begin because I just CANNOT stay quiet (me!!) and listen to other people rabbit on.
Wow, and I have COMPLETELY gone off why I introduced Hamish in the first place. It was because the other day... wait for it... he called Romeo an emo. And I have not gotten over it. It is just SO FUNNY when you think about it because he IS an emo. If anyone wants details as to why I will gladly share.
Ah Shakespeare, your foresight knows no bounds.
Disclaimer: I mock Romeo here, and also in particlar Romeo from Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet, however I would just like to say I ADORE both of them (especially the movie...sigh), and without Romeo's emosity the play would not be a quarter of what it actually is. The passion that drives Romeo is the passion that drives the play. Otay??
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Looks Like We're In For Nasty Weather
Okay. One word.
I'm not complaining about the weather, no no no, merely commenting on it, and that is what's happening at the moment.
Yesterday I had a visit from one of my Aunties, she's a well-to-do Aucklander with property on Waiheke Island and in Matakana. She's so funny though, she's very classy and upmarket but comes out with the funniest things. And she can also be counted on to bring a nice bottle of Rose to lunch, some hot ham and Gruyere cheese (which she left here- yuuuuum). It was awesome cos she is the first family member to have seen our house, not even mum has seen it all set up properly, however she will soon.
Because it is getting all Autumny the trees are looking like risque dancers, not many clothes on and the rest are flesh coloured (ie. the leaves are turning brown). Soon I will venture out into this land of joy and joyness, and climb the Hill of Prosperity (Mount Vic) and wrestle with the Winds of Seduction and Despair (the numbing Southerlies that come from the South Island who whisper enticingly in your ear "screw exercise, go home!! Go home to warmth!!"), they try to push me down but oh no, not this time sister. Nothing comes between me and Burning Excess Energy (except for maybe more energy in the form of a hot cup of something). And then..... I WILL do some Uni work. There's an update on that, by the way. I am becoming more and more gooder at actually knuckling down and doing it (mainly cos I look like a doofus in the tutes not knowing anything) however in the process I seem to have lost my sense of grammar, as I have started to say things like "gooder" and such like.
Well, I better go now while I'm on a high note. And now, to steal Christian's iPod, pull on some thermals, tie some laces and work those thighs. DAMN good intentions!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Aqualung My Friend, Don't You Start Away Uneasy
I'm doing this instead of an essay. WHY is it so hard to do things that we have to?? Makes no snese. Makes no sense, either.
Soon we will have visitors- Kim and Gareth are coming to stay!! Yippee and excitement!! Christian and me are practically bouncing around. Tehehe- sorry I was just picturing it. It was a gorgeous winter day before, sunny and warm yet crisp, my favourite. Mmmm, sounds like pie. But then old Mr. Cloud comes along with his grumblings and his rumblings and his backinmydays and ate the pie clean away and now he's fat and blocking the sky. HOW is my sunflower supposed to grow WITHOUT SUN?? Mr Nasty Old Cloud didn't think of THAT now did he!! It will be a Nasty Cloud Flower soon if somebody doesn't give someone else a good kick in the pants!! Goodness gracious.
We are going to Armegeddon this weekend- nerd fest!! It'll be fun, because of all the crazy people to make me feel better about myself. Spike Spencer will be there also, who voiced Shinji Ikari in the Evangelion Neon Genesis series. Christian practically swooned when I told him ole Spikey'd be there.
Enough, ENOUGH of this idle chatter!! Must dash, English isn't gunna analyse Le Morte D'Arthur for me, you know.
Until we meet again.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sitting on the Park Bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent....
Autumn has definately arrived in Ye Capitale Citie, and I can strongly confirm that It Is Cold. In fact, I have one, generating many "Gesundheit!!"s from our resident German. I love being a student, mainly cos of the free stuff -THE DOCTOR IS LOW COST/FREE!! THE DOCTOR IS FREEEEEEEE!! (Run for your lives!! Sorry, couldn't resist :P)- and also cos practically EVERYONE is in the same boat as you. There's no "rich kids". Well there are, but for once the poor kids are the majority and it's the money-honeys who feel like fishes out of water (at least I hope they do... validate my theory, damn you....). The only down side is there are too many personalities. "Too many personalities!! What??" the entire nation cried (I like to flatter myself). Now those who know me will be slightly perplexed, those who know me better will know that WHILE I ABSOLUTELY REJOICE in this, it's also a lot of hard work mentally. Too much Adjusting To The Situation. I almost miss the days of the Cool Kids and the Outcasts. Pfffffftt, what am I SAYING?? No I don't!! What I miss is the knowledge that you only have to deal with what you know and if your brain feels sluggish it's okay, cos it was all there yesterday and will be so tomorrow. When there's many things and many people changing every day, however, it's all like, "oh em gee, I just can't take this any more, talk about a brain MELTDOWN." (um.... did anyone else read that in a gay man voice?? Cos I did, and I don't know why it came out like that). Not everyone here walks around saying that, don't worry, but you see it in their eyes. IN THEIR EYES. It's sad. We should all just go on a biiiiiiig holiday together, that'd change things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
From outer space
I am Back. Update: my honey bunny and I, the teaspoon, are living in Wellington in the suburb of Hataitai. We start University in less than a week. So far, while down here, someone has thought I was pregnant (a cute story but I'll save it), someone has bought me Tickets, someone has impressed me, some has de-stressed me (many times), many people have intrigued me (such as Fat Ugly Man, Grunty Holden Man and the Upstairs Lot), someone has fatigued me, someone has addicted me, someone has perplexed me, someone has gifted me, someone has shifted me, many people have amused me, many people have confused me, someone has delighted me, someone has frightened me and that's just walking down Cuba Street. No not really, they are all seperate situations. My friends here (so far): Matt, Sarah, and Austin. We're like this tight little Warkworth unit, with Matt from North Shore excepted. We plan to make more. You just wait and see, old man.
Buses are fun... shopping at Pak n'Save isn't. Cuba St is fun... drunk hobos aren't. Pizza is fun... wet shivering delivery boys (Christian) aren't. Uni is fun.... blisters and jelly feet aren't. Money that isn't mine is fun.... StudyLink isn't. Dresses are fun... sunburn isn't. Neighbourhood cats are fun... watching them run away and hearing them fighting isn't. Bed is fun... having no mattress isn't.
I never thought I'd see the day when mine eyes would turn the other way.
Buses are fun... shopping at Pak n'Save isn't. Cuba St is fun... drunk hobos aren't. Pizza is fun... wet shivering delivery boys (Christian) aren't. Uni is fun.... blisters and jelly feet aren't. Money that isn't mine is fun.... StudyLink isn't. Dresses are fun... sunburn isn't. Neighbourhood cats are fun... watching them run away and hearing them fighting isn't. Bed is fun... having no mattress isn't.
I never thought I'd see the day when mine eyes would turn the other way.
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